
Prism Award Finalist: Cyclone Ultra Broadband Femtosecond Fiber Laser

FYLA Laser has had its ultra broadband femtosecond fiber laser for multiphoton microscopy, Cyclone, selected as one of the three finalists in the Prism Awards for Photonics Innovation 2022, Scientific Lasers category.
The innovation at the heart of Cyclone has made this possible. Cyclone laser introduces a novel concept in laser illumination for multiphoton microscopy, increasing reliability, simplicity and compactness, maintaining multicolour excitation and high brightness.
Delivering the broadest bandwidth of its kind (900-1200nm), simultaneous excitation of blue (three-photon), green and red (two-photon) fluorophores is made possible. No tuning is required, eliminating beam pointing related issues and enabling simultaneously imaging of well-distinguished parts within a sample possible.



Multiphoton Image of an Abberior Cell. Star Green (green). Star Red (red). DAPI (blue)

The extremely short pulses of FYLA Cyclone (<20fs on the microscope sample plane) provide a much greater level of peak power at the same average power. Compared to 100fs, 80MHZ laser, Cyclone provides 7x the peak power, leading to higher brightness and lower termal photodamage.


Also, the long wavelengths of the Cyclone are ideal for imaging deeper into the samples, reducing the dispersion undergone when traveling through.


Cyclone is a simple solution made up of the laser head which can be positioned on a rack, and a state-of-the-art dispersion pre-compensator (Dscan by Sphere Photonics). Fiber delivery is also available. No chiller and no control unit are required.

Cyclone. A New Simple and Powerful Solution for Multiphoton Microscopy.


Know more about FYLA Ultra Broadband Femtosecond Fiber Laser

Multiphoton Microscopy I: Increasing the Photon Flux with 15 Femtosecond Pulses
Multiphoton Microscopy II: Brighter Images with Shorter Excitation Pulses
Multiphoton Microscopy III: A Novel Concept in Multiphoton Microscopy