IPN-Bio School & FOPS Meeting
1st – 3rd December 2021, Valencia, Spain.
The consortium of the European Project Integrated Photonics-Nano Technologies for Bioapplications (IPN-Bio) organizes in Valencia the IPN-Bio School.
The IPN-Bio School is addressed to Ms, and PhD students, as well as young researchers, interested in bioapplications of photonics technologies. In this 2021 edition the School will focus on photonic crystal fibre, fibre gratings and in-fibre acousto-optics technologies, together with special fibre lasers.
The School includes technical tutorials, workshops and training on professional development, during the first two days (1st and 2nd December 2021). The third day (3rd December 2021) will focus on scientific and technological recent developments in the joint FOPS Meeting cofunded by project PROMETEO-2019-048 of the Generalitat Valenciana.
Most of the School will be on-line and attendance via videoconference will be enabled. Only workshops will require in site participation.
Registration is free and will be open between 4 October and 8 November, with two options:
- Partial registration for only on-line participation
- Full registration for in-site participation, including the workshops.
All the on-line participants will receive a link by email to joint the meeting.